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- Unlimited Downloads: Access and download any resource from our vast collection without any restrictions.
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Important Notice: Please read the following Terms & Conditions before purchasing our premium membership package. Only proceed with the purchase if you agree to these terms.
Product Details
At Webmart99, we craft high-quality, ready-made WordPress websites using original GPL themes and plugins. Our products feature custom child themes and CSS, ensuring a unique and functional website that’s easy to use. Updates to parent themes or plugins won’t affect the website’s design or functionality.
Support Policy
We provide limited technical support for installation-related issues on our readymade WordPress websites. However, our support does not cover customization requests, such as modifying headers, footers, page layouts, or plugin configurations. Additionally, we do not offer guidance on further customizing the readymade websites. For such modifications, please refer to the original theme or plugin author’s documentation.
For further information, please visit our FAQs page.
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